District Exploration

Based on the interpretation of detailed airborne magnetic and radiometric survey data and the re-interpretation of all the rock sample and geochemical data at the Mocoa porphyry Cu-Mo project, Libero Copper has identified 9 new conceptual targets close to the project (see press release May 3, 2022).

Silencio Target

Located 3,000 meters north-northwest of the Mocoa deposit, associated with multiple 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusions (composite intrusion - porphyry) with locally elevated Mo and Cu in rock samples.

Neblina Target

This area has two areas of high potential, located 2,000 meters northeast of the Mocoa deposit, associated with a 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusion (porphyry) with locally elevated Cu in rock samples and moderate K-alteration.

Piedralisa Target

Located 3,000 meters southeast of the Mocoa deposit, associated with a 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusion (porphyry), magnetic highs and a wide area (2,500 meters x 1,500 meters) with elevated Zn and Pb in rock samples. Possible intact porphyry system at depth.

Barnizera Target

Over this area was identified three highly prospective skarn/porphyry targets:

(1) Located 1,000 meters south of the center of the Mocoa deposit and associated with a 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusion (porphyry) with elevated surface Cu-Mo in rock sample geochemistry immediately south of Mocoa, with strong K-alteration

2) Located 1,500 meters southwest of the Mocoa deposit and immediately south of 2 - 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusions (porphyry) with elevated Cu-Mo-Zn-Pb in rock samples hosted by marble, with strong K-alteration. Skarn target with underlying porphyry source. This body was previously identified by the UN-Ingeominas exploration agreement in the early 70´s.  

3) Located 2,500 meters southwest of the Mocoa deposit, associated with a buried 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusion (porphyry) with highly elevated Cu-Mo+/-Zn in rock samples hosted by marble, with strong K-alteration. Possible extension to the SW of the skarn target (2) with underlying porphyry - possibly similar to Mocoa.

4) Located 2,500 meters south of the Mocoa deposit, associated with a 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusion (porphyry) with elevated Zn-Pb in rock samples hosted by marble/intrusion, with strong K-alteration. Possible south extension of skarn target (2).

Radiometric interpretation (K-alteration index) and 3D radial symmetric isosurface intrusions (interpreted as porphyries) map.

Analytic signal magnetics interpretation map